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Run A Gifted Programme At Your School

MindPlus YourSchool brings ready-to-go specialist education capability to your school.

Helping gifted learners to thrive

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Give your gifted kids a space for a half day a week where they can push their boundaries, share their passions, and be part of a tribe that gets how they tick.

The New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education supports you to offer your own world-class half-day a week programme for the Y2 - 10 gifted learners at your school or across your Kāhui Ako, wherever in New Zealand you are. At the same time, we train your teacher as a specialist MindPlus educator.

After two years, you will be equipped to run your own YourSchool programme using our MindPlus platforms and resources.

“We know there’s a very real need in our school, but right now, we don’t have the capacity to meet that need. We want to bring our teachers along on this journey” 


- Principal, Nelson primary school

“What I really enjoy is being able to partner up with [our NZCGE teacher] and really talk about not just the curriculum we're covering but the kids that we have.” 


- Partner Teacher, Feilding primary school

What schools get

As a MindPlus Partner School, you will receive:


  • MindPlus Curriculum - covers conceptual thinking, talent development, and social and emotional learning, and draws on our 25 year experience.

  • MindPlus Learning Platform used by all our teachers and students in our hybrid learning programme.

  • MindPlus Teacher Resources enabling teachers to “plug and play”  ready to go learning tools .

  • MindPlus YourSchool Professional Learning Programme - a two year programme of bite-sized online learning alongside mentoring and coaching, leading to certification as a MindPlus YourSchool Partner Teacher.

  • MindPlus Clubs - where gifted students from across programmes come together with like minds.

  • MindPlus Community - access to our big MindPlus family of gifted students, whānau, teachers and schools across our programmes.

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Want to
know more?

Get in touch to find out how your school can provide gifted students with the specialist support they need. 

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Support a school

Thanks to the generosity of our partners, we  are able to support a number of schools who cannot otherwise afford the full programme fee with a MindPlus YourSchool Fellowship. 


Our grateful thanks to:



Would you like to help a local school open up the world to its gifted kids?

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